Tuesday, October 28, 2008

When even Fox News cringes

So the McCain camp have Joe the Plumber running foreign policy analysis now?

Really is that what we have come to? ... Joe the Plumber thinks that Obama will be the death for Israel, because of what? ... well Joe has a feeling ...

Sheppard Smith looks blown away at the stupidity of this man, or maybe the stupidity of the McCain/Palin campaign

I mean really? this guy is the best guy they have to stump for them on Fox News

This is a case of last person leaving the room please turn the light off, and the only people left is the McCain's, the Palin's, and Joe the Plumber

Monday, October 27, 2008

8 days a Week

8 days to go, and a shock that's is going to rock the boat, The Financial Times endorses Obama,

I'm sure that will pick up votes in southern Indiana, but scoff not it is still a important endorsement, and rumours abound that the economist magazine is next

But a more interesting report come from the The Times of London, The McCain campaign hiring mercenaries to work his ground game

Shows the amazing design and forefront of the Obama campaign on how they organised and planned for this election

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Christian Right speaks

James Dobson weighs in on the election one more time. Must be sad for him to see his power shifting away from him as it looks like it is doing.

To have everything to nothing, hmm i wonder if there is a bible verse that talks about this that he could read? ...

Well before he leaves, Thank God, he has decided to look into his "christian only glass ball of the future"

Some of the nuggets that Dobson see's

  • Boy Scouts disband after refusing to allow homosexual scoutmasters to sleep in the same tent as young boys
  • The Supreme Court declares that “proselytizing speech” does not have the same protection as other speech, and Christian ministries are banned from college campuses
  • Home-schoolers are forced to use state-approved curricula, and rather than do so, many emigrate to New Zealand or Australia where they may teach without restrictions

Although i think my favourite for comedy purposes is Dobson's worry about the FCC turning TV into "24-hour non-stop diet of explicit porn." I wonder what channels Dobson gets? Is this on Cable? ...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

So Sarah Palin may already be responsible for dragging the McCain campaign downturn that is now seemingly in free fall

But now she is taking it out out on others

Just ask Manny Legace who tripped on the red carpet put out for Palin...

Whose next?

On election night, is she going to come out, hand in hand with McCain. Then push him out the way to claim the throne of the Republican base.
Maybe some members of the Christian right, Hannity and Co and they can all worship her and crown her say like Napoleon.

At this point I am not ruling it out

Friday, October 24, 2008

The country has seen some wild and crazy new stories this election cycle, but this one must this the most bizarre one of them all...

according to Fox News VP now the race is "really" over

Is this trying to help a candidate by faking racism? is this where the country is? or what McCain supporters feel they need to do to win? ...

Not a good example of the republican base..

and now "Joe the plumber" is on Fox News as a expert on the economy.

How can one network shoot so low?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

More people going crackers before Nov 4th

thankfully it's not just me and Larry David

M.J Rosenburg feels the same way

Scott McClellan

More republicans jumping on the Obama bandwagon...

Whose next, Barney the White House dog?

New Polls - Run as fast as you can

So new poll numbers out today make for interesting reading, amazing out much time is now spent looking and analyzing these numbers.

Yet three polls stand out

Montana which has Obama up 44 -40, Is this a new shift that mirrors the new swing in North Dakota?

and Indiana which has this startling poll, and this one which seems more likely.

First off let's throw out the +10, Obama winning Indiana by 10 I think is a big in the flights of fantasy. The +2 seems more likely, but at least puts the state in a toss up.

Obama's strong showing in the primary should not be discounted here, there is a big media buy for the Chicago and Indianapolis market that seem to be helping.

Maybe a trip to Evansville, IN might help the numbers swing left? ...

But yet Democrats should be amazed that numbers like the +10 in Indiana are even polled in the first place.
So while waiting do read the excellent Mudflats blog about Alaskan politics...

A great read, and I give the site credit for reminding me of this classic Chris Matthew gem

It's getting too close

Twelve days to the election and you can feel something different in the air, it might just be the shifting of the sewage works a few miles away or it might be the aroma of hope,

However, for now I am going with the sewage work.

I do not want to get my hope dashed (again)

Remember 2000

And 2004

Not good nights for Democrats

Therefore, with twelve days to go, I have to start bloging to fill the hours until the election, with out going crazy.

Larry David explained the phenomenon I have